пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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The Puppy keeps making me late to work.

Twice in the past week Iapos;ve been seen by/spoken with the owner/president of the Academy. Clearly my hair is not a problem...

And an observation...

Since the primaries McCain has mostly been playing to his base, with his selection of Palin, the issues heapos;s focusing on, the attacks on Obama about Ayers, etc.

Obama on the otherhand has clearly targeted the middle, to the degree that heapos;s pissed off many of his more liberal supporters by choosing Biden, backing off on pledge to pull all troops out of Iraq, his vote for a revised FISA, his stated support of the Supreme Court decision on gun control, etc.

In current polls heapos;s up like 10. Now part of that is because of the economic meltdown, but even so...
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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�I saw this strange dream yesterday..

I was in a huge, white room with a few corners, surrounded partially by large glass windows that showed the landscape of something close to London, Tokyo and New York put together in one bizarre combination. (There was a lot of different buildings). I looked down one time and the building I was in seemed very tall, like I was on the 55th floor.. It was quite scary and fascinating at the same time.�

Anyways, I was calling a friend of mine called Mai who lives in Australia right now, but because my cellphone canapos;t get a signal very well it keeps hanging up. And I keep calling her, and while Iapos;m doing that Iapos;m walking about, looking out the window.�

And then it starts to snow really gently, but just before it does that the first snowflake gets caught on the glass and melts out from its crystal shape (it was about the size of a nugget)�and Iapos;m really happy cause I LOVE�snow (even in dreams, lol) :) I remember actually saying that to my friend, but I donapos;t remember her saying anything in response.. O.o;

After that I ride the seat on my orange bicycle but donapos;t actually move it around. Iapos;m still trying to get the signal for my cellphone so I could talk to my friend and when I do, she asks for my mom in a really serious voice..

And THEN, the weird thing is, in my mind Iapos;m thinking apos;My momapos;s asleep so maybe I should tell her thatapos;, but when I turn to take a look if my mom was really asleep (she was supposedly in the same room as me), Johnny Depp was there with a white and weird overlapping shirt-ish thing on him with a red X�on his chest (maybe on the right side?). It was really weird.. :P

The even more strangest thing is, my mind kinda forgets all about my mom and interprets it differently, so that I believe my friend is asking for Johnny Depp. O_O;

I do pass the phone to him (when I did, the red X on his chest is gone)...

Thatapos;s where the dream ended...

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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The party at ---apos;s house was the first time I tried cocaine.
I�drank and smoked weed and hookah.
Her dad and her dadapos;s girlfriend were mixing margaritas.
It was a cinco de mayo party.
There were boys there and ---apos;s dad kicked them out around 1AM.
They were so drunk and couldnapos;t drive or anything.
So we waited for her dad to go to sleep and we snuck the boys back in.
Through the window.
Everyone was so tired they just passed out on the floors, chairs, and bed.
There were 3 on the bed
5 or 6 on the ground
And a few in chairs.
This was a small apartment room so it was squished.
I�was half concious on the ground.
I�couldnapos;t defend myself
And I was so tired I didnapos;t bother to try.
I�donapos;t remember his name.
I�woke up feeling completely violated
And knew something had happened.
---apos;s dad came in and looked around.
I�saw him.
He was quiet.
Then he left and I think he took a shower.
A while later he came back in and said
"Get the fuck out of my house"
All the guys left
And some of the girls.
Me, ---, and the girls who stayed just kind of hung out.

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

dallas energy healing

Sooo, a quick update on work. That girl, tiffany, that was jacking shit from us everyday.. Yeah, sheapos;s gone The sad part about it, though, is that they didnapos;t bust her, which really pissed me off. Basically, my manager did a serious low blow. She called around to other stores in the area and asked if they needed a cashier. She transfered her to another store, without telling the manager about her stealing.. "theyapos;ll find out soon enough, iapos;m sick of the headache" is what she said. As much as I am soooooo glad sheapos;s gone, I feel bad for the manager that got her. Yeah, also, I still donapos;t have my raise. Itapos;s getting fucking ridiculous.

School is going okay. I almost killed the people in the financial aid office, but i got it all figured out. I am getting 2870 back from loans this semester, and something like 2000 back next semester. Basically, Iapos;m being illegal and buying a car because my car is on itapos;s last leg and i know that it wont pass inspection in march. So I had an appointment with a car dealer (friend of the family so great deals) this saturday. I took the day off from work and everything. Tony calls me the other day and says "babe, you got your check but donapos;t get excited" It was for $666. I just went down there and basically one of my aid things, TAP, i think she said, didnapos;t post yet, so ill be getting the other 2200 something in a couple weeks. I mean, thatapos;s good that I get my money, but it really puts a damper on getting my car this weekend. Iapos;m too impatient now that i know iapos;m getting one.

Tony and I are good. I have decided that his laziness with house work and shit is a guy thing and there is nothing I can do to change that. We got in a fight about it the other day, and today, because I go to school and work, both full time, and then come to home to clean and,� most of the time, cook. Yeah, it gets a little frustrating when he works 9-5 and can easily come home and clean up. But I end up doing it after being at school/work from 8am-930pm. Iapos;m going to accept it for right now, because the fighting is just going to make it worse. Grrrr. He said that I went from being a "cool girlfriend" to a "nagging wife" today. THAT pissed me off. I have every right to nag.� whatever.

hmmm, nothing else new, really. Except for that iapos;m over today and I donapos;t wanna work. Blaaaah. Bye loverrrss
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account mortgage one

So as of today, the Australian dollar is US$0.71 and 71yen. Not TOO bad considering a week or two ago, our dollar hit a low that hasnapos;t been hit for several years. Has this been affecting anyoneapos;s spending at all?�

At the moment, it hasnapos;t put me off completely but I have certainly slowed down on spending and become more picky with my purchases. The urge to impulse buy has also lessened. I also ended up ordering a lot less from Baby than I had originally intended to. XD Though�I am kicking myself that I didnapos;t hop to it earlier.
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Iapos;m at week #2 of my Rubenfeld Synergy training, which consists of 3 weeklongs per year for four years, plus a weekend in between each weeklong.

Ilana Rubenfeld is here with us for Monday and Tuesday, which is pretty cool. Iapos;d done a weekend workshop with her back before the program started so I already had a sense of her, but the demo session she did turned out to be pretty powerful.

She worked on a fellow student who (it emerged) had been in a head-on collision with a drunk driver 30 years ago. Heapos;d been asleep in the back seat, and went straight into shock due to his injuries (tibia crushed). He thus had no memory of the accident, only waking up from it a couple days later.

Iapos;m pretty familiar now with Ilanaapos;s way of working that homed in on this memory related to that leg. What was new to me was her way of working with it once they were there. She said something like, "Iapos;m going to propose that we rescript that memory so it comes out a different way, would that be ok?" That got a nod and also a positive response she could tell through her hands, so she proceeded. Heapos;d never seen the car or how the other driver looked at the time so she asked him to describe them how he imagined. He filled in various details, including bleary eyes from the intoxication and looking in the wrong direction. There she said letapos;s change that to something not as dangerous, and he changed it to heapos;s sober but half-distracted talking to his passenger and looking at her instead of the road some of the time. Next she asked him to visualize the other car coming towards them, on a collision course, closer, closer, and then WOOSH the other car turns aside just in time. "That was close" she said, moving her hands down from his hip where theyapos;d been off the end of his foot and out, several times.

It was quite clearly a big release for him, and brought up a lot of feeling in his chest which she attended to as well, alternately rocking his ribcage gently and flowing her hands from there up to the top of his head and off. As he started to settle down from all the stuff going on for him (which I donapos;t know much about yet), she checked again the mobility of his hips by rocking his feet, and theyapos;d become very loose (compared to unmoving / unable to relax before). He also reported feeling surprisingly, welcomely good in the hips.

The first thing I checked out when Ilana asked for questions was whether sheapos;d chosen that intervention because the trauma in question was so old, and that if it had been just earlier this year and he was still upset about it would she have done something different? She said her guiding thought was that this injury was old news and he seemed ready for a change, and yes if he was still processing stuff related with that she would have been following into that instead.

Another student said she was having a hard time with the intervention because especially with rape and incest victims, it can be so important to be clear and strong about the fact that the trauma really did happen. Ilana agreed with that strongly, also adding a key question for her is "Does it serve you?" If a person was handicapping themselves with the burden of an experience, she would look for a way to help them change that. She gave an example of a small woman whoapos;d been raped by a very large man. When invited to change it in a way that gave her more power she visualized him shrinking a la "Honey I Shrunk the Kids". After a bunch more work around that imagery she ultimately put him in a box and offered him to God.

In case itapos;s unclear, thereapos;s no question in my mind for either of these stories that the client in question has any confusion after the intervention about what historically happened to them. My fellow student didnapos;t come away with the idea that the accident hadnapos;t happened. But in both those cases the person was still carrying the fact of the accident with them in a way that didnapos;t serve them anymore. The visualization of a different story to it, along with the listening hands, helped their bodies let go what was unneeded.
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department of labors

Friday morning, I had a ham and cheese omelet for breakfast. Iapos;m not sure what Chris had. It might have also been some manner of omelet. They were yummy.

After breakfast, we headed back down towards Key West for another day. We made another stop on Big Pine Key / No Name Key to try to spot some deer with the working camera (it had punked out last time). Chris got a couple of shots of a boy and girl deer together, but I didnapos;t see any more this time. We also visited the gator and iguanas again at the Blue Hole.

Once in Key West, we pretty much wandered around. We went to the southernmost point monument and took obligatory cheesy pictures, and we wore ourselves out walking all over the island. For lunch, we followed one of Carolyn (from the Island of Delights dinner)apos;s suggestions and went to a sushi place called Ambrosia. Chris had the best miso soup Iapos;ve ever tasted. I had a delicious kelp salad. It was great, but I always love them, so I canapos;t say it was any more delicious than usual. We shared 4 rolls -- the spicy tuna, the Manhattan (I assume this was the one with smoked salmon and cream cheese), the "Crazy" roll, and the "Ambrosia." I donapos;t know which was which, but they both involved asparagus, avocado, fish skin, and salmon roe. One of them had pork, I think. Weird.

After lunch, we went to Ripleyapos;s Believe it or not. It was typical Ripleyapos;s, so fun but predictable. There was a two-way mirror with signs instructing you to make stupid faces. I made them. Chris did not. When we got to the end of the tour, where the see-through side of the mirror was, we watched a trio of tourists making silly faces. That was a lot of fun... But what made it worth the admission price was that later in the day, we ran into the same 3 people at the Hogapos;s Breath Saloon (where I enjoyed a VERY tequila-laden margarita and Chris had a beer). Chris could not resist calling them out on their face-making, and we all had a nice laugh about it.

We decided to visit the new Sloppy Joeapos;s bar, since weapos;d been to the new one on Tuesday. So we went there and had a couple of lazily-consumed frozen drinks. Then we wandered around and shopped and whatnot. We sat around in Mallory Square for a while, watching pigeons and contemplating their social worlds.

For dinner, we had another Carolyn suggestion, so we visited Santiagoapos;s Bodega, a hole-in-the-wall restaurant in the middle of nowhere Key West, which we would never have found on our own. It is a delicious, delightful tapas place. We had a great server named Alan, who told us he was going to Atlanta that weekend to see "Wicked" with his son, so I already loved him.

Chris and I split a pitcher of their red sangria. I actually didnapos;t much care for it. It was a little watery, but it was refreshing after the long walk to get there. We had a Greek salad to start off. It was really, really tasty (although I foisted all my capers off on Chris. I freakinapos; hate capers). The five little dishes we ordered came out in random order, so I am going to list them in order of my preference, from least to most favorite:

1. Yellowtail Ceviche, with avocado, tomatoes, mango, and onions. This was only my second encounter with a ceviche-like dish, and I really thought it was way too limey. Or just way too acidic, especially with the tomatoes and mangoes and onions in there. I tried to like it, but I didnapos;t much. I ate a lot of it... Because I was hungry. Fortunately, itapos;s the only one I actually didnapos;t like. The other 4 are just placed in order of how much I liked / loved them.

2. Croquettas -- potato cakey things with bacon, cheese, and an herby sour cream. They were really, really delicious, and the only reason theyapos;re only #2 is that they arenapos;t terribly inventive. It was a pleasant take on the loaded baked potato.

3. Saganaki -- Flaming cheese The flaming cheese was similar to the one formerly at Stax Omega, only much tastier. They used brandy to make it catch on fire, so it had a nice, rich, sweet flavor. My mouth was very happy.

4. Dates, stuffed with goat cheese, wrapped in prosciutto. They tasted exactly like they sound. It was heaven in my mouth.

5. Pepper-crusted beef tenderloin with bleu cheese butter. This was very decadent, delicious beef, cooked to a perfect mid-rare. The bleu cheese butter was prepared in such a way that it eliminated everything I have ever disliked about the cheese itself. It didnapos;t taste bitter or sour or at all sweat-sock-like. It was just smooth and perfect.

We were pretty full, but everyone else in the place, and our server, were raving about the bread pudding. So we got some.

If I were the type to use the phrase "OMG," this would be the appropriate place to use it. They made the pudding out of croissants, so it was light and flaky on the edges, and dense and sweet and wonderfully bourbon-laden on the inside. I cannot say enough good about this bread pudding. I would, if I had the money, fly down to Key West just to eat it again. It was served with warm, syrupy berries and a vanilla custard ice cream. Chris hates bread pudding, and he ate as much as his belly would hold. I kinda like bread pudding, and I ate beyond what was wise for my belly to hold. It was great.

We were going to go to another drag show, but we decided that we should just let the great show on Tuesday be our drag memory, since the other show we were considering would almost certainly not be as much fun. So we went home and went to sleep.
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Yay The stocks are going up again (watching my dadapos;s companyapos;s stocks now)

Now the Santa Ana winds have come back. I really hate them. It sucks all the moisture out of the air, which my body hates. Also fires have started up already. :(

I finished my replay of Sanitarium. Well, not really. Vista was causing some minor graphical glitches in the game, which makes the last couple of chapters tricky to complete. So, I kind of quit playing.

Now Iapos;m playing this game called The Abbey. Strangely, the box says the game is called Murder in the Abbey, but thatapos;s not what itapos;s called in the game. Itapos;s just The Abbey. So, I donapos;t know why that is, but it does center around a murder in an abbey. The game has 2.5D graphics(3D mixed with 2D), like Runaway. I like cartoony graphics. So far, itapos;s been pretty easy, but I havenapos;t gotten very far yet.

This year Iapos;m doing something different to celebrate Halloween. Last year I watched episodes of Goosebumps. This year Iapos;m watching playthroughs of horror games on YouTube. I started by watching the first two Silent Hill games. I have to say that Silent Hill 2 has got to be one of the weirdest games ever. It has inspired me to watch the movie now. Iapos;m going to watch it soon. I canapos;t wait to see Pyramid Head. :)

Now Iapos;m watching a playthrough of F.E.A.R.. So far definitely more scary than the Silent Hill games. I get scared just watching.

The cool thing about both these playthroughs, is that both of the guys playing it, have never played the games before either. So theyapos;re both blind runs, which makes things more interesting. Also it kind of works out for me because Iapos;ve never played them either. I donapos;t plan on playing them either because I suck at these kinds of games. Still they are fun to watch, especially when the players make funny comments. :)

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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

company home organization

Blaaaaaaah Iapos;m either bored or annoyed. Thereapos;s no other emotions. I am so sick of it. Feel like a zombie or something.

I am emailing back and forth with the PCH people. Itapos;s totally obvious that the machine is fucked, but getting them to actually admit that is proving to be an epic undertaking.

Work is still work. This week is going to suck. Boss wants to throw out one of the fundamental thingos that the new site is built around (different levels of membership, which has been in the business plan since day one until this morning, when they decided to collapse it all into the one thing), just a few weeks before launch. Woo I love how he changes his mind on a whim. Makes life so pleasant. "It took me 5 seconds to think up, why doesnapos;t it take 5 seconds to code?"

Lunch was nice. Lay around on the grass with Neha and Liz, staring at the clouds (they were moving so fast) and talking shit.

I dreamt the bald guy from REM came over for dinner. Weird.

I didnapos;t buy Auckland tickets. I was fully about to, but thought do I really want to go to Auckland? No, no I donapos;t. Itapos;s just coz it was so ridiculously cheap.

Car is still at $152.50.

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